I love Mykki Blanco

So, while I was visiting friends in San Jose, California, my wife was posting (on my Facebook wall) a music video a day until I got back. She posted a Mykki Blanco video (Wavvy), and at first, I didn’t think much of it. Until I got back and watched a few more MB vids. And then I fell in love with the music, the words, and the videos.

You see, Mykki Blanco is a gay rapper who sometimes wears women’s clothing.

Here, you check it out.


Mykki’s YouTube channel HERE

A week after I got back from the US, Alex tells me that MB is playing at the Hi Fi Bar in Melbourne. And what a ko-wink-a -dink, a friend of mine is doing sound and can get us in.

In a nutshell, the show was brilliant. The BASS was fucking HUGE. It was so bassy Alex got scared and grabbed my arm, ha ha. I fell in love with bass that night. I felt that shit move my chest. Mykki started out as a female (skirt, wig, not shirt), and halfway through, ended up male (jean cut offs, no shirt). Brilliant show. Went into the crowd more than once, had the crowd come up onstage, and then after the show, stayed in the crowd, declared the rest of the night “the afterparty”, and danced to the DJ music. Loved it.


The only pic I took of the whole night. He got all the people up onstage so he could go down in the crowd and perform there. Brilliant move. One of the best shows I have seen in a long ass time. REAL GOOD. See the cracker in the black shirt crouching on the right? That’s my buddy. 


Disclaimer: Gays do not offend me, but being a cunty asshsole does. And hipsters. It’s none of my business who does what in the privacy of their bedroom. Fuck furniture for all I care. I have gay friends and one gay sibling, it’s all good in the hood.

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