I love Pinhead from Hellraiser


Ooooooh Pinhead, you tear my soul apart..

So I’m into metal music, horror movies, serial killers (true crime), scooters, tattoos, Ibanez guitars, dogs and cats, and sea life (cuttlefish, octopus, great white sharks, killer whales), and Vinnie Colaiuta drum clips on YouTube.


I’m in the middle of an obsession. They usually last a week or two. My obsession is Pinhead. And like Van Halen, it’s only a certain era of Pinhead. First two movies, and that’s about it. He got bluer and less lean in later movies. Pass.

Here’s a guy who knows what he wants. Flesh. Pain. Ecstasy. I would have seen Hellraiser back in theaters in ’87 for sure. Actor Doug Bradley is a fucking champion. He nails that role, and there is no other Pinhead. I know they tried, and they fucking failed. Miserably.

What I love about Pinhead? His whole vibe!! His look is pretty outstanding, his voice is deep and commanding, extremely quotable lines. I remember “no tears please” from the first night I saw it. And I do enjoy how he fucks people up.

Doug, you are awesome!! One helluva movie villain! You took that role and absolutely smashed the shit out of it. No one could have done a better job, no one. Thank you for scaring the shit out of me and entertaining me to no end.

Ebay Pinhead shirt from Germany on the way. STOKED.


Buy 2 foot Pinhead figure HERE


See ya, bitches!!

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